Here are yet more words that can check Affa's progress through a ms. Meet the CHs.
Chic is a word meaning smart and up-to-date, usually used for females. It's pronounced SHEEK.
Sheik, on the other hand, is pronounced more like SHAKE.
Chick is a baby bird or, colloquially, a girl.
Chicken is where the fun really begins. In Australia, a chicken is a chick, or a baby bird of the hen variety. The only exceptions are when an adult hen is cooked and it mysteriously morphs into a chicken, or when we are insulting someone by implying s/he is not brave. Overseas, a chicken may be an adult hen. In Australia that is generally a chook or, if we're being "correct", a fowl or a hen.
Check is a pattern of lines or squares, to look something over or to make sure something is correct. A check-mark is generally a cross in a square. Overseas, a check can also be what we call a bill or a cheque.
Cheque is a piece of paper carrying an official promise to pay. These are becoming less common.
Cheek is bold-faced rudeness (the cheek of her!), or the side of the face. When listening to a Russian wildlife commentator, I could swear he used it to refer to baby birds, but I think he was really saying "chick".
Chuck is to throw something or, colloquially, the throw up. It is also sometimes a nickname for someone named Charles.
Chock is a bit or wood or rock put behind the wheels of a car to stop it rolling.
Choc is a pet name for chocolate.
Chocolholic is another word up with which Affa will not put. It is a false construction derived from the term "alcoholic" which is "alcohol + ic". Thus, clearly, the chocolate version would be either "chocolatic" or, if we're being playful, "chocic".
Chic is a word meaning smart and up-to-date, usually used for females. It's pronounced SHEEK.
Sheik, on the other hand, is pronounced more like SHAKE.
Chick is a baby bird or, colloquially, a girl.
Chicken is where the fun really begins. In Australia, a chicken is a chick, or a baby bird of the hen variety. The only exceptions are when an adult hen is cooked and it mysteriously morphs into a chicken, or when we are insulting someone by implying s/he is not brave. Overseas, a chicken may be an adult hen. In Australia that is generally a chook or, if we're being "correct", a fowl or a hen.
Check is a pattern of lines or squares, to look something over or to make sure something is correct. A check-mark is generally a cross in a square. Overseas, a check can also be what we call a bill or a cheque.
Cheque is a piece of paper carrying an official promise to pay. These are becoming less common.
Cheek is bold-faced rudeness (the cheek of her!), or the side of the face. When listening to a Russian wildlife commentator, I could swear he used it to refer to baby birds, but I think he was really saying "chick".
Chuck is to throw something or, colloquially, the throw up. It is also sometimes a nickname for someone named Charles.
Chock is a bit or wood or rock put behind the wheels of a car to stop it rolling.
Choc is a pet name for chocolate.
Chocolholic is another word up with which Affa will not put. It is a false construction derived from the term "alcoholic" which is "alcohol + ic". Thus, clearly, the chocolate version would be either "chocolatic" or, if we're being playful, "chocic".