What services does affa offer?
Well, what services do you need?
Manuscript assessment: Assessment is sometimes called an appraisal. An assessor will read your manuscript and make practical specific comments about what's working and what's not, why it's working, or not, and how to fix it.
Editing is making changes to a manuscript to enhance, improve and sharpen the text. Editing can be done in Track Changes or in Clean Edit or you can have one of each. Find out about one pass and two pass edits HERE or click on the self-quote tab to the left.
Assessment/Editing Combo is just what it sounds like. You get an assessment and the text is edited along the way. This is cheaper than having the jobs done separately. The savings apply only if the job is done in one go.
Beta Reading is a reader reaction from an unbiased reader. It doesn't include advice
Proofreading is not exactly an edit. It's more about reading your text word by word and picking up errors and inconsistencies.
Ghostwriting is creating a text from your idea. The result is the book or story you would have written if you had the time/skills/patience. It can also mean completing a manuscript if you got stuck in the middle. This service is available only for quite short books, under 10,000 words.
Services for Self-Publishers is a combination of assessment, editing, proof-reading and formatting. Affa can also help you find an illustrator or cover artist, and create a PDF.
Telephone Consultation is a phone call beyond a quick initial call. You can book one of these just as you book assessments and ask your questions in real time. These usually come during the development stage of your ms (though remember Affa will need to have some idea of what you're writing) or as a debriefing after an assessment. Quick clarifications are free of charge and need not be booked.
Personalised Gift-books. If you have an idea for a gift-book (maybe a story for a specific child) Affa can help you bring it to life. Find out more HERE
E-books and how-to books. Find these HERE
Do you want a writing service not listed here? Just send us an email and ask if Affa can help.
What Affa Does NOT Do
Affa never gives specific *marketing advice. Not ever. No.
Affa will not suggest a publisher or an agent.
Affa cannot tell you whether your book will be published or not.
Affa will not ghost-write a long book from sketchy details.
Affa will not share your details or the details of your manuscript with anyone else without your express permission.
*However, marketing genius Tim Levy offers a complete course on marketing with his Business Mastery program. Check the Market Genius tab for details.