Check list
Here's a self check-list in case you want to use it during your final sweep before sending your manuscript to AFFA.
Have you misused any of the following words?
Like (when you mean "as if" or "as though")
Reign (when you mean "rein")
Loose (when you mean "lose")
Hopefully (with you mean "with luck")
Thankfully (when you mean "fortunately")
Everyday (when you mean "every day")
Smiled (when you mean "said")
Snuck (when you mean "sneaked")
Fiction writers: Have you put your manuscript into true double spacing with indented paragraphs and no spare line beneath the paragraph?
Have you overused some words, such as smiled, laughed, shrugged, nodded, giggled, frowned?
Have you used redundancies such as "nodded his head", "shrugged his shoulders", "pointed with his finger"? (what else can you nod, shrug or point with?)
Have you used old-fashioned terms such as "whilst", "he couldn't help but think"?
Have you misused any of the following words?
Like (when you mean "as if" or "as though")
Reign (when you mean "rein")
Loose (when you mean "lose")
Hopefully (with you mean "with luck")
Thankfully (when you mean "fortunately")
Everyday (when you mean "every day")
Smiled (when you mean "said")
Snuck (when you mean "sneaked")
Fiction writers: Have you put your manuscript into true double spacing with indented paragraphs and no spare line beneath the paragraph?
Have you overused some words, such as smiled, laughed, shrugged, nodded, giggled, frowned?
Have you used redundancies such as "nodded his head", "shrugged his shoulders", "pointed with his finger"? (what else can you nod, shrug or point with?)
Have you used old-fashioned terms such as "whilst", "he couldn't help but think"?