Here are some more sites to check out

Other Sites Associated with Affa
The Jack Russell Dog Detective, Pet Vet and Pup Patrol series
Prints Charming Books (our tiny collective publishing venture. Up for a challenge? Come and join the fun!)
Sally Odgers' Books (childrens and general)
Lark Westerly (adults only)
The Starboots and Starboots Mobile and Promote Me Please blogs are devoted to interviews with people in the arts. If you're an author, musician, poet, dancer, actor and have something to talk up, pop along to fiverr and read all about it. Please note: this is NOT for a review. It s for a legitimate interview.
Tassie Book Talks is a list of authors, illustrators and other creative people available for school visits, talks and workshops. It is not an agency. Contact is made via the artist or the artist's booking agent.
Affa's Pinterest board
Showcasing some of the books Affa has edited.
Affa's page at Facebook. Check it out for specials. and news.
Other Sites Not Owned by Affa, but well worth a look
Writers' Services and Showcases
Newsletters... AFFA subscribes to these
Buzzwords - children's writers; networking scene
Pass it On - children's writers; networking magazine
Creative Net (where you may book an author or illustrator for your event) (a great site for self-publishers)
Kylie Fornasier manuscript services (children's books and YA)
Tony Keen Proofreading
Jackie's Rhyming Manuscript Editing Service
Australian Children's Poetry showcase
Wendy & Words writers' services
This Kid Reviews Books - what it says on the tin. Twelve-year-old Erik (as of 2014) reviews books
Author Interviews with A Howland
Poetry contest
Character Naming tips
How do you say it?
10 Best Website Builders A very useful resource for those making websites. NEW in April 2019
Excellent article about quoting song lyrics New in 2020... suggested by Grace H.
Books Affa Fairy-Godmothered
See some of the covers at our Pinterest board here
Legends of Eostra by Dan Sanders
Funky Chicken and Doug the Bug by Chris Collin and Megan Kitchin
Pinto the Robotic Penguin by Wendy McLennen
The Legends of Laconia series by Donaya Haymond
Paranormal novels and stories by Michelle Tatam and Jessi Hammond
Stolen Dreams by Sanet Smit
STOP the Bully, by Karen Tyrrell
Time Gamers: The Chameleon Quest, by Lesley Reed
girl, by Robert Chan
Monster Boy: The Lair of the Grelgoroth Vol 1, by Ruth Fox
Crafters Club series by Louise Guy
The Woodmyst series by Robert E Kreig
Legal and Grammatical Stuff
Legalities of quoting from other works
Check out Affa's Blog to the left for more grammar tips
What's that Book? Forum for those who are trying to recall (or rediscover) books they partially remember.
The Jack Russell Dog Detective, Pet Vet and Pup Patrol series
Prints Charming Books (our tiny collective publishing venture. Up for a challenge? Come and join the fun!)
Sally Odgers' Books (childrens and general)
Lark Westerly (adults only)
The Starboots and Starboots Mobile and Promote Me Please blogs are devoted to interviews with people in the arts. If you're an author, musician, poet, dancer, actor and have something to talk up, pop along to fiverr and read all about it. Please note: this is NOT for a review. It s for a legitimate interview.
Tassie Book Talks is a list of authors, illustrators and other creative people available for school visits, talks and workshops. It is not an agency. Contact is made via the artist or the artist's booking agent.
Affa's Pinterest board
Showcasing some of the books Affa has edited.
Affa's page at Facebook. Check it out for specials. and news.
Other Sites Not Owned by Affa, but well worth a look
Writers' Services and Showcases
Newsletters... AFFA subscribes to these
Buzzwords - children's writers; networking scene
Pass it On - children's writers; networking magazine
Creative Net (where you may book an author or illustrator for your event) (a great site for self-publishers)
Kylie Fornasier manuscript services (children's books and YA)
Tony Keen Proofreading
Jackie's Rhyming Manuscript Editing Service
Australian Children's Poetry showcase
Wendy & Words writers' services
This Kid Reviews Books - what it says on the tin. Twelve-year-old Erik (as of 2014) reviews books
Author Interviews with A Howland
Poetry contest
Character Naming tips
How do you say it?
10 Best Website Builders A very useful resource for those making websites. NEW in April 2019
Excellent article about quoting song lyrics New in 2020... suggested by Grace H.
Books Affa Fairy-Godmothered
See some of the covers at our Pinterest board here
Legends of Eostra by Dan Sanders
Funky Chicken and Doug the Bug by Chris Collin and Megan Kitchin
Pinto the Robotic Penguin by Wendy McLennen
The Legends of Laconia series by Donaya Haymond
Paranormal novels and stories by Michelle Tatam and Jessi Hammond
Stolen Dreams by Sanet Smit
STOP the Bully, by Karen Tyrrell
Time Gamers: The Chameleon Quest, by Lesley Reed
girl, by Robert Chan
Monster Boy: The Lair of the Grelgoroth Vol 1, by Ruth Fox
Crafters Club series by Louise Guy
The Woodmyst series by Robert E Kreig
Legal and Grammatical Stuff
Legalities of quoting from other works
Check out Affa's Blog to the left for more grammar tips
What's that Book? Forum for those who are trying to recall (or rediscover) books they partially remember.